Low Moisture Loving Plants

When looking to make additions to your garden be sure to keep in mind moisture use!
The less water needed by your plants the more sustainable and low maintenance your garden can be. Adding these kinds of shrubs, flowers and grasses can help cultivate a wild look or just be a strong back bone to a low energy landscape.
Blue Huckleberry
Blue Huckleberry is a great choice for a low moisture shrub. It is considered native to the lower 48 states and has low moisture needs with a high drought tolerance. It’s deep green foliage gives way to white flowers around mid-spring which then in summer turn into deep blue-black berries. Left to its own, it can reach as high as 6ft tall. This shrub also does well in shade.
Mountain Laurel
Mountain Laurels can be a wonderful addition to a garden. These hardy shrubs can reach 5-6ft tall and bloom in mid-spring. The flowers can be white or light shades of pink to purple. These are low moisture use and high drought and shade tolerant. They make a very romantic addition to a wooded or shaded garden area. These lovely shrubs are considered native all along the Atlantic coast of the U.S.
Maryland senna
Maryland senna, also sometimes just called wild senna, is a great plant to brighten up a garden. This flowering plant has yellow blooms that come into their own in summer. It is a low moisture use plant with moderate drought tolerance and some shade tolerance. This perennial has rapid growth in spring and summer and can be a perfect pop of color in the wild flower bed.
Bitter Picnicgrass
Bitter Picnicgrass is another lovely perennial. A perfect addition to a wild flower bed and great for filling in arrangements of cut flowers this grass does not need much in the way of moisture but prefers full sun as it is very intolerant of the shade. It is considered native along the Atlantic coast starting in Massachusetts and extending all along the Gulf of Mexico. It is perfect grass to add dramatic volume to a garden bed.
With these plants in mind, think about all your favorites you can sprinkle in around them! Going for hardy low moisture use plants is key for being able to have a lovely garden that is easy on the eyes and easy to care for!
USDA’s Plants Database, Gaylussacia frondosa
USDA’s Plants Database, Kalmia latifolia
USDA’s Plants Database, Panicum amarum